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on earth as it is in heaven

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Speaking Our Beliefs

At 1King Culture, we believe that understanding the kingdom of God is essential to living a fulfilling Christian life. Our Texas based ministry for Christian beliefs focuses on equipping people with a deep understanding of the Bible and the principles of the Kingdom, while also providing practical training to put those principles into action.

We believe that revival starts with individuals who are willing to step out in faith and boldly proclaim the Kingdom of God. Our school of ministry curriculum is designed to help you do just that and follow our core values, which we believe to be consistent with His teachings. Through our training, you will gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence to be an effective witness for Christ and bring revival to our community.

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Grow in your identity, develop your noble character, and become who God made you to be.

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Go deep in the transforming, powerful presence of God and overcome burnout.

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Get both hands-on training and an academic Biblical understanding of the kingdom of God in a “teach and do” culture. Learn to walk in the power of God.

Our Ministry In Texas

Our teachings on Christian leadership help you live out your divine purpose. 1King Culture’s “teach and do” culture is truly what sets our ministry leadership training apart from other training programs. We believe that knowledge alone is not enough. To truly walk in the power of God, you must also have the practical skills and experience to apply that knowledge. That’s why our program emphasizes learning and practicing evangelical skills.

You are called to shape history.

Find Your Identity In God

You aren’t alone in your desire to see the power of God activated around you. Join 1King Culture’s passionate community of revivalists where an entire culture is lived out day after day around the presence and power of God.

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Why Choose 1King

Our team of experienced instructors is passionate about equipping the next generation of revivalists. Our school of ministry classes cover a wide range of topics, including Biblical studies, theology, leadership, and ministry skills. Whether you are just starting your Christian journey or are a seasoned minister looking to deepen your understanding and skills, our ministry program or the Christian belief has something for you.

We invite you to join us on this exciting journey of growth and transformation. Take the first step towards living out your purpose and walking in the power of God. Contact us today to learn more about our program and how to get started.

Get a head-start and dive in today


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Sunday services available

1King Culture is not only open for ministry leadership training students — we also offer regular Sunday Services. Learn more about our Sunday Services schedule and our teachings.

Contact Us Today